From young woman and during his work in Bremen it began to be interested for the geography and navigation, considering the problem of the location of the ships in the sea. These questions led it to studying astronomy, mathematics and to beginning to realize observations to determine the geographical length. In 1804 Bessel he wrote a work on the calculation of the orbit of the comet Halley and he it sent to Heinrich Olbers, who in this moment was the person most expert in comets.
This work impressed Olbers, who published and recommended it to Bessel to turn intoprofession alastronomer.
In 1806 it began to be employed at the observatory Lilienthal, near Bremen. In this site he acquired great experience in the planetary observation, specially of Saturn, his rings and satellites. In 1809 it turned into the director of the New Observatory Königsberg of Prussia and teacher of astronomy. Before it had got the doctorate in astronomy of the university of Göttingen for Gauss's recommendation. While Königsberg's observatory was finishing his construction, he continued his work and there was granted him the prize Lalande Of the institute of France for his investigations on refraction.
Bessel undertook the work of determining the position and the movement of more than 50. 000 stars, which took it to the determination of the parallax of the star 61 Cygni, the first one of the history, and he calculated his distance in 10, 3 years - lights.
Position of the stars Bessel designed a system of reference of the position of the stars and planets, dedujo the mistakes given by the atmospheric refraction of the light, the precesión of the land and other effects. In 1830 he calculated the average and apparent position of 38 stars for a period of 100 years. In 1841 it announced that Syrian tape-worm a major companion, which was confirmed ten years afterwards, on there having calculated the Syrian's orbit B. This star was observed in 1862 by Alvan Graham Clark.
Bessel also indicated the irregularities in the movement of Uranus, which opened the doors for the discovery of Neptune. In 1817 it introduced Bessel's functions or cylindrical functions, which it used in the gravitational mechanics, but that are applied in other fields as the spread of electromagnetic waves and of heat. Bessel's functions appear as coefficients in the series of expansion of the indirect disturbance of a planet caused by the movement of the sun.
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